
triptic me
I am an MA student in The Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Environmental Biology at Columbia University, advised by Dr. Joshua Drew. Our lab is broadly interested in the evolution and conservation of marine biodiversity, with an emphasis on fishes of the Indo-West Pacific.
Specifically, my work centers on the diversity of wrasses (family Labridae) from Papua New Guinea out east to Fiji. I want to know how and why fish disperse across our planet in space and time, how coral reefs have become so ludicrously, gloriously diverse, and how we can change the predominantly exploitative relationship between humans and our environment.

Hawkmoth is my working space. I use this blog to share my experience as a young biologist and traveler. Welcome. 
For more (science) communication, please also see my work with State of The Planet


  1. Looks like Fiji was/is awesome! The bed you DD is being prolific with Curly Kale. Blessings, Larkin

    1. Thank you Larkin! Hope all is well at Green Angel. Any WWOOFers right now? I've got some bread photos to email you by the way :)

  2. Just stumbled on your blog looking to ID a hawkmoth from Fiji (for a silly project I'm working on called peopletouchingnature.tumblr.com). That said, I can be serious too and appreciate your thoughts and images as a biologist, "farmer", and foremost, a writer and photographer. Keep up the good work!

  3. Thanks Wingtrip! Makin' my day. Your blog is a beauty. Always glad to find like-minded communicators, especially when they've got lovely PNW photos (which I so desperately need out here in Manhattan).
